Fertilizer In Modern Agriculture
Chemical fertilizers are important raw material in agriculture production. They play an important role to ensure food security and increase in farmers’ income.
However, it is increasingly acknowledged that long term uses these fertilizers, together with pesticide, can adversely affect the quality and quantity of soil microflora. Herein, it needs to be emphasized that soil microorganism, which include bacteria, actinomycete, fungi, as well as earthworms, and other small insects and creatures, are the only living entity in the soil and their protection and enhancement is fundamental to soil health. Increasingly, the trend today in agriculture is to balance the use of chemical fertilizer with bio fertilizer for the continued productivity of the soil, especially in the Tropics.
Thus, for agriculture to move towards sustainable development, we must effectively replenish the soil. Restoration of soil and improve soil fertility is a systematic project: The macro nutrients, a variety of beneficial bacteria, a variety of beneficial trace elements, sustainable supplement of organic element are the four indispensable ways to restore the soil. Only in these ways, good conditions for sustainable soil conservation can be formed.

IBG Bio Fertilizer
Chemical fertilizer, is the main way to improve crop production, due to high nutrient content and significant results; however, chemical fertilizer is prone to leaching, and have low absorption rate, long-term usage would adversely affect crop quality and soil the ecological environment. Microbial fertilizer that contains beneficial effective microbes, not only can improve crop nutrients, to promote crop growth and development through its own synthetic plant growth regulators, but also improve the ecological environment through the soil microbial life activities. The only drawback is that many factors in soil and surrounding environment are affecting the effectiveness of living microbial, resulting in the ability to supply nutrient of microbial fertilizer is limited. Experience had shown that by using microbial fertilizer and chemical fertilizer together, and reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, planted fruits and vegetables can even meet and exceed the green foods standard.
IBG bio fertilizer contains beneficial microorganisms and other prebiotic elements needed by plant. IBG bio fertilizer major component is effective microorganism. Microorganisms has the ability to improve plant’s water and nutrients absorption and improve soil structure. Hence, these features can increase the plant’s absorption of chemical fertilizers.
IBG bio fertilizer contains microbes originated from soil and thus are soil environmental friendly. The microbes are capable of restoring the soil’s natural cycle and build soil organic matter. The main microorganisms are of Bacillus species including Bacillus Subtilis. The bacteria population in IBG biofertilizer is no less than 1 million (106) cfu/ml.
It can also adjust the soil pH, and promote plant growth and development, and improve the ecological balance of the soil. In particular, it can promote plant root development, improve root activity and enhance plant absorption. Microorganisms are easier to grow, reproduce, and achieve symbiosis with plants when the plant root system had well developed and its secretions had increased.
With the application of IBG bio fertilizer, chemical fertilizer application rate can be reduced to 30%, the quality of agricultural products can be improved, farmer’s income is increased accordingly.
Why IBG bio fertilizer can drastically reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer? Not only because it itself can directly provide comprehensive nutrition to crops, reduce the waste and loss of chemical fertilizers, but also because it can released confined chemical fertilizer active ingredient in the soil, for it to achieve effectiveness.
In short, IBG bio fertilizer can reduce chemical fertilizer costs, and increase plants’ production.
IBG 生物肥料
IBG生物肥料含有有益微生物和植物所需的其他益生元元素。IBG 生物肥料主要的成分是微生物。微生物能够改善植物吸收水分和养分的能力和改善土壤的结构。这些功能都能让植物增加对化学肥料的吸收。
IBG 生物肥料包含来自土壤的微生物,因此不会抗拒土壤里的环境。这种微生物可以恢复土壤的自然循环和建立土壤有机质。主要微生物是枯草芽孢杆菌种类。IBG 生物肥料在细菌含量是不低于 100 万 (106) cfu/g。

The Mechanism Of Microorganism
Soil microbes are the core element of soil biological properties. After application of IBG bio fertilizer into the soil, beneficial microorganisms will reproduce massively under suitable conditions to form a huge number of dominant populations in the soil around the plant roots, microbes can fix free nitrogen in the air to be converted for the plant to use nitrogen compounds.
IBG bio fertilizer is applied at the main root area due to its largest number of roots of this part, and also the most suitable place for bacteria to grow. Once apply in the main root area, activated bacteria will begin to multiply, occupying the main root, and then to the sub-root derivative, then to the young roots site. Once reach the young roots, bacteria begin to secrete enzymes to enhance the absorption capacity of young roots.
IBG bio fertilizer can reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer use. This is not only because of beneficial microorganisms, through biological metabolism and decomposition of soil minerals and organic matter, can provide comprehensive, balanced nutrition, but also because microbes can reduce the loss of chemical fertilizer, chemical fertilizer to improve the effective absorption rate. Experience had shown that by using of bio fertilizer, chemical fertilizer can be reduced by 30% of the amount, without affects the yield.
In the virgin forest, all the trees are growing strong and healthy. They effectively utilise the resources provided by nature, including rain water, the minerals in the soil and nutrients recycled in the organic matter. The fallen leaves and branches are rapidly decomposed by microorganisms releasing the nutrients in them, which are then re-absorbed by the plants. The forest is thus a close system that does not require any external inputs to sustain itself. It is a clean and healthy environment that is pollution free. After the forest is cleared for plantations, the above and below ground biodiversity is upset, and nature’s cycle and balance is disrupted. The soil, if not managed properly, starts to progressively deteriorate.
When oil palm or other permanent crops are planted, chemical fertilizers are used extensively to enhance their growth and productivity. These fertilisers have the advantage of predictability and reliability. They have been formulated to meet the varying needs and growing conditions of the crops. However, prolonged use of chemical fertilizers, from one crop generation to another, can adversely affect the soil physical, chemical and biological properties and contribute to the pollution of the soil, ground water and the atmosphere. They also acidify the soils and can cause changes in the soil cationic and anionic balance, as well as the microbial populations and diversity. Overtime, the soils become less fertile and low in carbon and the plants begin to lose their capacity to resist pest and disease attacks, especially Ganoderma Basal Stem Rot, a soil-borne pathogen of oil palm, which is increasingly becoming a problem in Malaysia and Indonesia.
A better and more sustainable approach for long term soil health and productivity is to balance the use of chemical fertilizers with biofertilizers. Herein, IBG Biofertilizer, which is produced using the state-of-the-art technology, helps meet these needs. It contains beneficial microorganisms, aloe vera, seaweed extract and trace elements. The beneficial microbes help fix atmospheric nitrogen, decompose organic matter and solubilise nutrients making them more readily available to the plants. The aloe vera and seaweed extract, on the other hand, improves the organic matter and carbon content of the soil. For optimal results, IBG biofertilizer should be applied at 40 – 50 ml/palm/year in two split dressings and the chemical fertilizers can accordingly be reduced by up to 20 – 30 percent. IBG Biofertilizer has the following benefits:-
- Increases growth and yield
- Reduces the dosage of chemical fertilizers
- Improves nutrition absorption and uptake by the plants
- Increase soil microbial population
- Reduces soil-borne root diseases of plants

Bacillus SPP Function In IBG BioFertilizer
- Helps to decompose organic and inorganic matters into nutrients
- Increase organic matters and humus in the soil
- Improve soil structure, soil aeration and drought resistance
- Increase air/oxygen content for soil aerobic processes
- Enhance root growth
- Boost availability of all macro and micronutrients in the soil
- Produce enzymes and phyto-hormones which are essential for trees
- Produce antibiotics which increase plant resistance to diseases
芽孢杆菌在IBG 生物肥料的功能
- 有助于分解有机物和无机物成为营养物质
- 增加土壤有机质和腐殖质
- 改善土壤结构,土壤的通气性和抗旱性
- 增加空气/氧气含量土壤
- 增强根系生长
- 增加土壤中的所有宏和微量营养素的可用性
- 制造出酶和植物激素
- 产生抗生素从而增加植物对疾病的抗性

Ganoderma Infection In Oil Palm
Ganoderma exists in the field as mycelium colonising palm tissues in the soil and in the old oil palm primary root. This mycelium is not able to cause infection at early stages due to the presence of antagonistic soil microbes’ and roots’ ability to suppress its development. However, prolonged use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides weakens the root system, and progressively reduces the population of beneficial microbes.
Soil health is important to maintain a healthy population of beneficial microbes that, besides improving root development and proliferation, also protects the palm from soil pathogen. In this respect, bio fertilizers which contain beneficial microbes have an important role to play. To be effective, they should be applied to the soil at early stages of palm development so that they can offer greatest protection to root system from infection. Herein, the integration of chemical and bio fertilizer is the best approach to maximise oil palm productivity.
灵芝菌以菌丝体细胞组织的形式存在于土壤中及老油棕榈的主要根部。由于土壤拮抗微生物能力,及根部的抑制其发展的能力的存在,在早期阶段,这菌丝不能引起感染的。然而,长时间的使用化肥和农药会削弱根部系统,并逐步降低有益微生物的种群。 为了改善根系发育和增殖、防止土壤病原菌、和保持有益微生物的种群,土壤健康是很重要的。在这方面,含有有益微生物的生物肥料便可发挥重要的作用。为了达到有效的成果的,这生物肥料应该在早期阶段被施加到土壤中,以便它们可以提供根系统最大程度的保护免受感染。此外,化学和生物肥料的配合是增加油棕生产率的最佳方法。

IBG Biofertilizer Helps In Prevent Ganoderma Infection On Oil Palm Based On Customers’ Review
IBG biofertilizer is certified to help recover and rehabilitate the soil, and increase agriculture production yield. Recent findings indicated that IBG biofertilizer can helps to prevent or reduce the Ganoderma infection rate on 2nd and 3rd generation of oil palm.
One of our customers, TAMACO plantation (mineral soil) in Lahad Datu, Sabah and Similajau, Bintulu, which oil palm plantation has entering 2nd generation of planting, has been using IBG biofertilizer from 2006 until now. Comment received shows that TAMACO plantation with over 20,000 ha, does not have any Ganoderma infection for 2nd generation of oil palm. This has indirectly reduced their operating cost to treat the disease.
Another customer which has been using IBG biofertilizer since 2006 is MAFRICA group of plantations. Jobenar Raya (peat soil) plantation at Tatau, Bintulu is the first plantation that has used the IBG biofertilizer. They planted the oil palm in year 2000, which is 17 years as in year 2017. For about 10 years of using IBG biofertilizer, they commented that their plantation has not been infected with Ganoderma disease. Another two plantations are Palmcol (peat soil) and Meruan (mineral soil) plantation at Selangau, Sibu, which also have been using IBG biofertilizer for more than 10 years, had commented the same improvement as Jobenar Raya. Their plantation has less Ganoderma infection compared to the others which has the same palms age.
From what we heard, other plantations that has over 10 years old of oil palm, has problem of Ganoderma. The condition is even worse when they are entering the 2nd generation of planting and cultivating of oil palm. The percentage of infection is more than 3% in 2nd generation.
Deforestation for oil palm plantation has removed the top soil (horizon A) and the organic horizon (horizon O), causing mass nutrient removal from the soil. By applying chemical fertilizers during the oil palm cultivation will further damage the soil chemical and biological properties. The number of microorganisms has been decreasing due to the low pH and low organic matter in the soil, causing low decomposition rate of the carbon matter. The root tissue is damaged by low soil pH, thus compromising their immunity against fungi and bacteria. The palm will easily get infected by soil-borne pathogen.
IBG bio fertilizer contains beneficial microorganisms and other prebiotic elements needed by plant. IBG bio fertilizer major components is effective microorganism. Microorganisms can improve plant’s water and nutrients absorption and can improve soil structure. Hence, these features can increase the plant’s absorption of chemical fertilizers.
The microbes inside the IBG biofertilizer originated from soil and thus are soil environmental friendly. The microbes can restore the soil’s natural cycle and build soil organic matter. The main microorganisms are of Bacillus species including Bacillus Subtilis. The bacteria population in IBG Biofertilizer is no less than 1 million (106) cfu/ml.
When the soil microorganism cycle is restored, microbes’ population will be stable. Thus, the microbes will help with the nutrient absorption and stimulate the root tissue to increase their immunity against the wild infection. This process is taking years to observe, which is why we appreciate that our customer stays patient and positive about IBG biofertilizer performance in helping them to achieve better results.
Those recent comments made by our long-term customers are the best testimonials about our product performance. Any customers can refer to them for advice and information about IBG biofertilizer performance in Ganoderma prevention.
IBG 生物肥料备受认证它可以有助于恢复和保护土壤,并增加农业产量。最近的访问结果表明,IBG 生物肥料能有助于防止或减少第二代和第三代油棕的灵芝病感染率。
我们其中一个客户,TAMACO 种植园 (矿物土壤)从 2006 年直到现在一直使用 IBG生物肥料。他们在拿笃,沙巴和Similajau,民都鲁,的油棕园已迈入第二代种植。顾客的意见显示,超过 20,000公顷的TAMACO 种植园,并没有任何灵芝病感染第二代的油棕。这间接降低了治疗这种疾病的营运成本。
自 2006 年以来一直使用 IBG 生物肥料的另一个客户是 MAFRICA 集团的种植园。Jobenar Raya (泥炭土) 种植园在Tatau,民都鲁是第一个使用 IBG 生物肥料的种植园。他们的油棕是在 2000 年种植,到 2017 年,已是17年的树龄。超过10 年使用 IBG 生物肥料使到他们的种植园不曾感染灵芝病。另两个种植园是 Palmcol (泥炭土) 和 Meruan (矿物土壤) 种植园在Selangau,诗巫,也已经超过 10 年使用 IBG 生物肥料,他们的种植园获得和Jobenar Raya 一样的改善。在油棕树相同的年龄下,他们的种植园比别人更少感染灵芝病。
其他种植园10 岁以上的油棕都会面对灵芝病的问题。灵芝病在进入第二代种植会变的更加糟糕。在第二代的感染的比例是 3 %。
砍伐森林,种植油棕已铲除 (地平线 A) 的表层土壤和有机地平线 (地平线 O),造成土壤大量营养物质大量流失。使用化肥在油棕种植将进一步破坏土壤的化学和生物性质。由于低酸碱值和低土壤有机质在土壤中,土壤中微生物数量也会降低,造成碳物质分解率低。低土壤酸碱值导致根部组织损伤,从而影响他们对真菌和细菌的免疫。油棕属会很容易被土传病原感染的。
IBG生物肥料含有有益微生物和植物所需的其他益生元元素。IBG 生物肥料的主要成分是有效微生物。微生物可以提高植物的水分和养分吸收和改善土壤结构。因此,这些功能可以提高植物对化肥的吸收率。
IBG 生物肥料包含来自土壤的微生物,因此不会抗拒土壤里的环境。这种微生物可以恢复土壤的自然循环和建立土壤有机质。主要微生物是枯草芽孢杆菌种类。IBG 生物肥料在细菌含量是不低于 100 万 (106) cfu/g。
当土壤微生物循环复原时,微生物的数量将会稳定的。因此,微生物将能帮助植物对养分的吸收,刺激根部组织,以增加他们对野生病菌感染的免疫力。这个过程需要时间观察,这就是为什么我们希望我们的客户能保持耐心。IBG 生物肥料一定能帮助他们实现更好的效果。
这些顾客的评论是我们的长期客户对我们的产品性能最好的证明。任何客户可以参考他们的建议和有关IBG 生物肥料能预防灵芝病的信息。