IBG Oil Palm Bio Fertilizer
4 Great Effects
- Protects root system for secondary development
- Increase inflorescence rate of female to male ratio, increase fruit bunch quantity
- Increase soil organic matter
- Increase nutrient uptake efficiency
IBG Oil Palm Bio-Fertilizer could be integrated with chemical fertilizer interval at appropriate ratio to gain a better result.
IBG Bio Fertilizer (Oil Palm) Application Method
Year(s) | IBG dosage/palm (ml) | Palms covered/CKS (16 liters) | Dosage (ml)/CKS (16 liters) | Spray volume/palm (liter) |
1 – 2 | 20 | 32 | 640 | 0.5 |
3 and above | 25 | 16 | 400 | 1.0 |

IBG Durian Bio Fertilizer
Remarkable Effects
- Increase flowering and fruit formation rate.
- Improve soil organic matter, soil aeration, soil pH, and soil moisture.
- Increase grade A fruit.
- Reduce Phytophthora spp. disease.
- Reduce unripe fruits.

IBG Paddy Bio Fertilizer
4 Great Effects
- Protect root for continuous development
- Produce husk that is full of rice, increase weight per 1000 grains
- Improve soil pH, increase organic matter
- Controls the height of plant to avoid collapse
For 120 days mature
IBG Bio Fertilizer (Paddy) Application Method
Day(s) | IBG dosage/ha (ml) | CKS required |
-7 | 100 | 10 |
25 | 125 | 10 |
50 | 187.5 | 10 |
75 | 187.5 | 10 |
For 90 days mature
IBG Bio Fertilizer (Paddy) Application Method
Day(s) | IBG dosage/ha (ml) | CKS required |
-7 | 100 | 10 |
15 | 125 | 10 |
35 | 187.5 | 10 |
55 | 187.5 | 10 |

IBG Fruit and Vege Bio Fertilizer
Remarkable Effects
- Increase the inflorescence rate and yield
- Better quality and greater quality of fruits
- Improve the root development
- Higher resistance to diseases
*Note: The different effects of IBG Bio Fertilizer on different crops are highly subjective to field, and weather condition, and management.
Type of fruits
1Dokong, duku and duku langsat
- Greater fruit bunches
- Longer and denser fruit bunches
- New shoots are about 35% longer compare to using conventional fertilizer
- To prevent and eliminate scabs on the skin of trees within 45 days after application
2Mango/ Orange/ Lime/ Lemon/ Pomelo/ Star Fruit
- Reduce the rotting skin of fruits, and yellowing of leaves
- Increase the Grad-A fruits quantity
- Bigger and sweeter fruits
- Flowering and fruit formation happen in stages
3Rose-apple / Guava
- Flowering and fruit formation happen continuously in stages
- Better fruit complexion and higher yield
- Flourishing leaves
- Brilliance and blooming flower
- Increase the fruit’s quality and size
- Sweeter and bigger fruit
- Higher resistance towards the weather changes (such as prolong draught season) and disease
6 Pepper
- Longer bunch
- Prevent attacks of root rot disease caused by pathogen
7Tea Leaves
- Increment of leaflet and flourish leaf
- Enchance the root development and increase the absorption rate of roots
- Increase amount of A_Graded corns
- Increase the formation of gains and kernels in the corncob
9Tomato / Red pepper
- Healthier, stronger and wider root system
- Better quality of fruits
10Long bean /French bean/ Cucumber/ Bitter Gourd
- Longer harvesting period
- Even and definite shape of fruits
- Complete and nice complexion
- Reduce the rotting rate of fruits
11Cabbage/ Vegetables/ tobacco
- Waxy leaves surface
- Bigger and wider leaves
- Fuller and thicker leaves
12Sugar cane
- Increase the length of segment, thicker stem
- Increase the sweetness level
13Water Melon/ Honey Dew/ Pumpkin/ White Gourd
- Increase fruiting rate
- Reduce the rotting rate of the fruits
- Thicker and fuller formation
14Rambutan/ Pulasan
- Sweet and full fresh
- Reduce empty fruits formation
- Stronger branches
- Increrase blooming and fruit formation rate
- Produce bigger cocoa pods
16Banana/ Nangka/ Cocoa
- Produce bigger fruit
- Increase the sweetness level
- Higher yield and better quality fruit

IBG Rubber Bio Fertilizer
4 Great Effects
- Prevent and cure the Phytophthora disease
- Increase the thickness/concentration of the rubber milk
- Form a strong root system for avoiding the root diseases
- Softer and easier for tapping after 30-45 days of application
IBG Bio Fertilizer (Rubber) Application Method
Year(s) | IBG dosage/palm (ml) | Trees covered (CKS 16 liters) | Dosage (ml)/CKS (16 liters) | Spray volume/tree (ml) |
1 | 2.5 | 250 | 625 | 64.00 |
2 | 3.5 | 160 | 560 | 100.00 |
3 | 6.5 | 160 | 1040 | 100.00 |
4 | 7.5 | 90 | 675 | 177.78 |
5 and above | 11.0 | 45 | 495 | 355.56 |