Company Profile
IBG MANUFACTURING SDN BHD is incorporated in year 1998, owned by IBG Bio Ventures Sdn. Bhd. We are specialized in developing and manufacturing Bio Fertilizer. We are qualified as Bio Nexus status (10 years tax-exemption); having the same status as several giant Biotech companies from different countries. IBG Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. is a specialized hi-tech enterprise engaged in the design, manufacturing and marketing of Bio Fertilizer. We have our own certified microorganism culture lab, R&D lab and manufacturing factory. We have been having the technology transfer with biotechnology leading companies and we are well versed in the Bio Fertilizer area, working together perfectly to establish a high-level Bio Fertilizer system.
As Malaysia premier Liquid Bio Fertilizer manufacturer, IBG Manufacturing Sdn Bhd’s strong reputation has been built on years of track record. In creating an enduring legacy of innovation and excellence, IBG has garnered numerous domestic and international awards.
Domestic awards include the Gold Medal Award in ITEX’99 (Malaysia International Invention, Innovation & Industrial Design 1999), International Standard Quality Award in (Quality Product Category in Year 2011), and as well as being bestowed two awards in year 2016 which are: (Platinum Business Awards 2016 – Outstanding Achievers Award) by SME Association of Malaysia and (Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2016 – Product and Service Excellence Award). Also, Outstanding Fertilizer Quality Product Award in (4th Agro Excellence Award 2018).
International awards include (Silver Award in Biotechnology Asia 2006), (Silver Medal Award in the 27th Agricultural Invention & New Technique 1999 in Geneva) and Model of Entrepreneurs Awards 2018.
In addition, IBG Manufacturing Sdn Bhd is complied under MS ISO/IEC 17025 in year 2010 and ISO 9001:2008 since year 2008.
We provide IBG Bio Fertilizer to local planters as well as international. Our international customers are mainly from China, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippine, and Indonesia. Our Biotechnology are highly recognized by our clients.
As one of the leading bio technology based enterprises, we have spent years to establish our latest technology product, IBG Bio Fertilizer Series, which has been proven to increase the yield significantly. It can be absorbed fast and directly by crops, improving soil structure, increasing bunch weight and quantity and other great effects. The product can be relied on to break another yield record, at the same time preserving our soil in the best condition for our next generation.
IBG Manufacturing Sdn Bhd has built the most hi-tech R&D Laboratory to back its strong R&D initiatives. The R&D Laboratory focuses on cutting edge technology, from extensive research to the development of world-class Bio Fertilizer products with self-owned intellectual property rights and great marketing potential.
We have established experiment fields and collaborations with well-known research institutes in Malaysia and China as an effort to ensure continuous products’ upgrades and innovations.
关于IBG Manufacturing私人有限公司
IBG Manufacturing私人有限公司于1998年成立,其股权由IBG Bio Ventures私人有限公司100%拥有。公司的首席执行员乃拿督叶绍平。该公司的主要产品是IBG 生物肥料系列,完全在本地制作,目标锁定于油棕业者和从事农业的农夫,协助他们降低肥料成本同时提高产量。
IBG Manufacturing私人有限公司旗下的IBG生物肥料在1999年《马来西亚ITEX国际发明展》发明与设计比赛中夺下金奖,并赢得《1999年日内瓦国际发明奖》银奖,《2006年亚洲生物科技奖》银奖以及,创业楷模暨相扶奖。该公司也在2009年获大马生物科技机构认可其生物科技核心业务地位(Bio – Nexus Status),而因此获得10年税务奖励,和总值马币一百万的研究与开发奖励津贴,协助该公司的业务发展。
在2011年,IBG 生物肥料获颁《国际标准品质奖》。此奖项承认该公司生产的IBG生物肥料系列拥有国际的产品品质。这是该公司首次获得国际标准的认证。相隔5年, IBG 荣获马来西亚中小企业工会的《企业白金奖2016 – 杰出成就奖》,同时也获得星洲企业楷模奖2016的《产品与服务品质卓越奖》。2018年, IBG 荣获第四届大马神农楷模奖的《肥料产品品质杰出大奖》。
IBG Manufacturing获得此奖项有赖于其运作在2008年获得ISO 9001品质管理的认证,实验室也在2010年亦获得MS ISO/IEC 17025的认证。在两个认证下的运作系统,产品的研究、开发、制作、包装和运送的品质管理受到严格的监管与控制。